German Marshall Fund of the United States

Between the Sargentini Report and the European Elections


The Hungarian Europe Society and the German Marshall Fund of the United States organised the final event of the V4Europe project entitled "Turning the tide of populist authoritarianism. Mobilising a pro-European agenda in Central Europe" on 16 October 2018 at the Residence Palace in Brussels. The speakers were István Hegedűs and Zsuzsanna Szelényi as well as Benedek Jávor, Member of the European Parliament. The debate was moderated by Rosa Balfour, Senior fellow, Europe Program, GMF. 

A Sargenti-jelentés és az európai parlamenti választások között


A Magyarországi Európa Társaság és a German Marshall Fund of the United States "Az autoriter populizmus árjával szemben - Európa-barát programmal Közép-Európában" címmel tartott rendezvényt a V4Europe projekt lezárásaként a brüsszeli Residence Palace-ban 2018. október 16-án. Előadást tartott Hegedűs István és Szelényi Zsuzsanna mellett Jávor Benedek, az Európai Parlament tagja, moderált Rosa Balfour, a GMF Európa Programjának vezető ösztöndíjasa.

Between the Sargentini Report and the European Elections


The Hungarian Europe Society and the German Marshall Fund of the United States organised the final event of the V4Europe project entitled "Turning the tide of populist authoritarianism. Mobilising a pro-European agenda in Central Europe" on 16 October 2018 at the Residence Palace in Brussels. The speakers were István Hegedűs and Zsuzsanna Szelényi as well as Benedek Jávor, Member of the European Parliament. The debate was moderated by Rosa Balfour, Senior fellow, Europe Program, GMF. 

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