No more red lines left to cross: The Hungarian government’s emergency measures

CímNo more red lines left to cross: The Hungarian government’s emergency measures
Közlemény típusaOnline cikk / Web Article
Év / Year2020
SzerzőkVégh, Zsuzsanna
Kiadó / PublisherEuropean Council on Foreign Relations

The analysis by HES chairwoman Zsuzsanna Végh concerning the so-called empowerment law of the Hungarian government adopted on 30 March 2020 was published by the European Council on Foreign Relations, a pan-European think tank on 2 April 2020. The commentary is available here.

Teljes szöveg

The analysis by HES chairwoman Zsuzsanna Végh concerning the so-called empowerment law of the Hungarian government adopted on 30 March 2020 was published by the European Council on Foreign Relations, a pan-European think tank on 2 April 2020. The commentary is available here.