A Magyarországi Európa Társaság nemzetközi workshopot szervezett 2006. május 17-re, a Nyugat-Balkán politikai helyzetéről és biztonságáról. A Közép-Európai Egyetemen tartott munkamegbeszélésen Horvátországból, Szerbia és Montenegróból, Bosznia-Hercegovinából, Macedóniából, valamint európai intézményektől érkezett szakértők, politikusok, újságírók, civil szervezeti vezetők vitatták meg a magyar résztvevőkkel együtt a térség jövőjének alapvető kérdéseit, különös tekintettel az egyes országok európai uniós csatlakozásának "perspektívájára", illetve a különböző nemzeti és etnikai csoportok békés együttélésének problémájára.
Social, Political and Security Challenges in the Western Balkans
Common Search for Solutions - International Workshop
- Venue: Central European University, Popper Room, Budapest, 1051 Nádor utca 9.
- Wednesday, 17 May, 2006
8.45 Registration
9.15 Opening: István Hegedűs (Chairman, Hungarian Europe Society)
- József Tóth (Head of Department, Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
9.30 Key-note address: Dr. Erhard Busek (Special Co-ordinator of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe): The Tasks of the International Democratic Community in the Western Balkans
10.00 Session 1: Facing the Past: the Role of the Civil Society and the Media
- Moderator: Endre B. Bojtár (Editor-in-Chief, Magyar Narancs)
- Sonja Biserko (Director, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia): Policy of Memory
- Nerma Jelačić (Country Director, Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN), Sarajevo): Justice in the Media: Bosnian Journalism as a Tool in War and Peace
- Orlanda Obad (Journalist, Jutarnji List; Lecturer, University of Zagreb): Croatia’s Joining the EU in the Public Discourse: How To Go forwards without Facing the Past?
- James Lyon (Special Balkans Advisor, International Crisis Group, Belgrade Office): Is EU Policy towards the Western Balkans Realistic?
11.30 Coffee Break
11.45 Session 2: European Political Actors in the Western Balkans
- Moderator: István Gyarmati (Director of the International Centre for Democratic Transition, Budapest)
- Reinhard Priebe (European Commission, Enlargement Directorate General, Director Other Western Balkans, Brussels): European Perspectives of the Western Balkans
- Sanja Bujas Juraga (Head of Department for International Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zagreb): Croatia’s Responses to Today’s Security Challenges In the Context of EU and NATO Integration
- Fernando Gentilini (Council of the European Union, Head of Task Force, Policy Unit for the Western Balkans, Brussels): Contribution of the European Union to the Stability in the Western Balkans
- Matthew Rycroft (Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo): Conditionality: How to Use EU and NATO Soft Power
13.30 Break
15.00 Session 3: Means to Prosperity: Institutions and Markets, Tackling Corruption
- Moderator: Attila Bartha (Vice-chairman, Hungarian Europe Society; Senior Researcher, Kopint-Datorg, Budapest)
- Zsuzsa Hargitai (Head of the Budapest Office, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development): The Bigger the Market, the Better for Employment - a New Integration?
- Mihail Arandarenko (Professor, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Economic and Social Policy Institute, University of Belgrade): Labour Market Institutions in South Eastern European Countries
- Nela Lazarević (Journalist, Transitions Online, Podgorica): Towards Independence? Mistrust in the Montenegrin Institutions
- Slaviša Šućur (Chairman of the Constitutional and Legal Commission of the Parliament of the Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina; Senior Policy and Association Advisor for Government Accountability Project): The Role of Local Self-governments in Answering to the Social, Political and Security Challenges in the Western Balkans
16.30 Coffee Break
16.45 Session 4: Regions, Autonomies, Minority Rights
- Moderator: Tibor Várady (Central European University, Department of Legal Studies, Chair of the International Business Law Program)
- Goran Svilanović (Chairman, Working Table I, Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe; Member, National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia): Education for Democratic Citizenship and Regionalization Open to Globalization - A New Toolkit for the Protection of Minority Rights in the 21st Century
- Aleksandar Popov (Director, Center for Regionalism, Novi Sad): Regionalism in Vojvodina
- János Orosz (General Director, Provincial Secretary of Regulation, Administration and National Minorities, Vojvodina): Rights of Minorities
- Ahmet Jasharevski (President of the Roma Community Center (DROM) Kumanovo, Macedonia): The Roma Decade in South Eastern Europe
18.15 Closing Remarks: Michael Ward (Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the United Kingdom to Hungary)
Organisers: Attila Bartha, Zsuzsa Ferenczy, István Hegedűs, Beáta Huszka, Adrienn Krassó, Borbála Kriza, Erzsébet Strausz.