The continued relevance of the concept of propaganda: Propaganda as ritual in contemporary Hungary

CímThe continued relevance of the concept of propaganda: Propaganda as ritual in contemporary Hungary
Közlemény típusaFolyóirat cikk / Journal Article
Év / Year2013
SzerzőkHorváth, Dorka, and Bajomi-Lázár Péter
Újság / JournalSage Journals
Kulcsszavak / KeywordsChristian Democratic coalition, fidesz, Orban, propaganda

We will, in this paper, argue that the concept of propaganda is still relevant in the context of post-communist Hungary. More particularly, we will suggest that, in contrast to the period 1998-2010 when modern political marketing methods were applied widely, the political campaigns launched under Viktor Orbán’s second government (2010–present) have marked a paradigm shift in the history of political communication in Hungary, best described as the revival of old-school propaganda. First, drawing on a distinction by Gunther and Diamond between proto-hegemonic and pluralist parties in the political realm, we will attempt to establish a theoretical dichotomy between political propaganda and political marketing in the communicative domain. Then we will demonstrate – through an analysis of three campaigns launched during the past three years – that the communication of the ruling proto-hegemonic Fidesz party and its Christian Democratic coalition ally meets the criteria of classic political propaganda. Finally, we will apply neo-Durkheimian media theory to describe the selected political campaigns as communication rituals and attempt to show that political propaganda may, under specific circumstances, actively involve, engage and mobilize target audiences.1
