The Hardships of the Hungarian Commissioner Candidate

Györgyi Kocsis's article Orbán and the EU - Why is the Hungarian Presidency Unsuccessful? was published in HVG on 3 March 2011.
Györgyi Kocsis's article After the Media Law, the Hungarian EU Presidency is Drawing Closer to a New Minefield was published in HVG on 14 February 2011.
HVG published an interview with István Hegedűs entitled Orbán Viktor korábban is hajlamos volt fekete-fehérben látni a világot on 16 February 2012.
On 25 May 2013, in the weekly HVG, Györgyi Kocsis analysed the position of the Hungarian Socialist Party on the potential disenfranchisement of the Hungarian government in the Council of the European Union.
The analysis of Györgyi Kocsis entitled "Nem tisztelt ház. Mit mondanak ki, és mit hallgatnak el a pártok EP-programjai?" was published in HVG on 17 May 2014.