Miklós Sükösd: Empires and Communications: The US, China and the EU in the Digital Age

CímMiklós Sükösd: Empires and Communications: The US, China and the EU in the Digital Age
Közlemény típusaKonferencia kiadvány / Conference Paper
Év / Year2020
SzerzőkSükösd, Miklós

Keynote at “Media and democracy on the two sides of the Atlantic”, an international webinar organized by the Hungarian Europe Society, November 9, 2020.

PDF ikon Empires and Communications270.11 KB
Kapcsolódó esemény: 

Media freedom and media pluralism: the role of social media in modern democracies on the two sides of the Atlantic


Uncertain Times: The Future of Trans-Atlantic Relations from the Perspective of NGOs and Think Tanks in Central Europe and Hungary

- online webinar series organised by the Hungarian Europe Society -

First Debate: Media freedom and media pluralism: the role of social media in modern democracies on the two sides of the Atlantic

9 November 2020, Monday 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. (CET) - The debate is available on our YOUTUBE CHANNEL.

For the corresponding papers please scroll down here.
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