Populizmus, Visegrád, Európa

Populizmus, Visegrád, Európa


A Magyarországi Európa Társaság (MET) két nemzetközi workshopot rendezett októberben,

"Sovereignty in the Era of Globalisation: V4Europe – Renewal in the European Union from Central European Perspectives" címmel 2017. október 27-én, pénteken,


 "Reforming the EU: Central European Perspectives" címmel 2017. október 28-án, szombaton.

Mindkét workshop helyszíne az Ibis Styles Budapest Center volt, cím: H-1074 Budapest, Rákóczi út 58.

A rendezvények nyelve angol, a workshopok programját a címre kattintva találja:

"Sovereignty in the Era of Globalisation
V4Europe – Renewal in the European Union from Central European Perspectives"

      List of Participants

"Reforming the EU: Central European Perspectives"

      List of Participants

Mire mennek a populisták. Interjú Hegedűs Istvánnal. Vasárnapi Hírek. 2017. október 29.
Judy Dempsey: Shrinking Spaces in Hungary and Poland. Judy Dempsey's Strategic Europe. Carneige Europe. 2017. október 31. 


Tanulmányok és előadások:

Matej AVBELJ, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Government and European Studies, Kranj: “What Future for the European Union?”

Cornel BAN, Assistant Professor of International Relations, Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University: “The Impact of the Juncker Plan on the Region's Development Prospects” (PAPER and PRESENTATION)

László BRUSZT, Professor, Department of Political Science, Central European University, Budapest: “Market Integration in Europe: Mis-management of an Incomplete Contract” (PAPER and PRESENTATION)

Bojan BUGARIČ, Full Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana: “Beyond Lochnerism in Post Crisis EU? Implications for the East-Central Periphery”

Marcin DĄBROWSKI, Assistant Professor, Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology: “Not for Love, nor Money: Exploring the Regional Variation in EU Identification in Central and Europe”

Federico FABBRINI, Full Professor of European Law, School of Law & Government, Dublin City University: “EU Unity after Brexit”

Sergio FABBRINI, Director, Luiss School of Government; Professor of Political Science and International Relations, LUISS Guido Carli: “Reforming the EU Polity – Dilemmas and Alternatives” (PAPER and PRESENTATION)

Magdalena GÓRA, Assistant Professor, Institute of European Studies, Faculty of Political and International Studies, Jagiellonian University, Krakow: “Politicisation of the European integration and the question of sovereignty in the Visegrad countries. A Polish example”

Dóra GYŐRFFY, Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest: “Bridging the Gap Between Moral Hazard and Solidarity in the EU: Domestic Institutions as the Missing Link”

István HEGEDŰS, Chairman, Hungarian Europe Society: “Welcome and Introduction”

Wade JACOBY, Mary Lou Fulton Professor of Political Science, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah: “European Reforms and the Leadership Deficits of Surplus Germany”

András JAKAB, Professor of Austrian Constitutional and Administrative Law, University of Salzburg: “Full Parliamentarisation of the EU Without Changing the Treaties - Why We Should Aim for It and How Easily It Can Be Achieved”

Erin K. JENNE, Professor, International Relations Department, Central European University, Budapest: “Problems of Populist Politics in the International Arena”

Dimitry KOCHENOV, Professor, Department of European and Economic Law, University of Groningen: “The Acquis and Its Principles: The Enforcement of the ‘Law’ versus the Enforcement of ‘Values’ in the European Union” and “The EU and the Rule of Law – Naïveté or a Grand Design?”

Gergő MEDVE-BÁLINT, Research Fellow, Center for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Dóra PIROSKA, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Policy, Corvinus University of Budapest, Member of the Hungarian Europe Society, and László BRUSZT, Professor, Department of Political Science, Central European University, Budapest: “The Effectiveness of European Market-correcting Instruments: Trapped in the EU’s Decision-making Architecture”

Dimitris PAPADIMITRIOU, Professor of Politics, University of Manchester: “Whose Tragedy? The Greek Economic Crisis and Its Implications for European Integration” 

Filip PAZDERSKI, Projects Manager - Democracy and Civil Society Programme, Analyst, Institute of Public Affairs, Warsaw: “Civil Society on the Crossroads of Political Game – Perspectives from Poland and Beyond”

Mirjana TOMIĆ, Free-lance Journalist; Project Manager, Forum Journalismus und Medien Wien (fjum), Vienna: “Media and Journalism Facing New Challenges in the Era of Emerging Populism”


 Az Open Society Foundations támogatásával

2017 okt 28
Nemzetközi politika, Európai Unió, populizmus
A Magyarországi Európa Társaság workshopot rendezett "V4 for Europe – Developing positive scenarios for Europe’s future" címmel 2017. május 16-án a Friedrich Ebert Alapítvánnyal együttműködésben.