Open Space platform
The Open Space creates
a network of NGO-s, think tanks and like-minded organisations in the Central European region and beyond to publish and exchange their (alternative) ideas and analyses.
Register and upload your publication, related to the on-going debates about the future of Europe and the role of the Visegrad Group inside the European political and economic integration.


The Hungarian Europe Society introduces its Open Space online platform for think tanks, NGO-s, and individuals from the Central European region and beyond. New users can swiftly register. Following our approval they can easily upload their publications which are supposed to focus on fields of common interest. We are waiting especially for fresh ideas which support and intend to renew the politics and policies of liberal democratic systems. Alternative concepts might confront populist/illiberal narratives and practices. The online platform will also give space for discussions, blog posts and other forms of dialogue for the participants.














Found 142 results
Author [ Title(Desc)] Type Year
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
The trio presidency in the European Union of the Lisbon Treaty - The case of the Spanish, Belgium and Hungarian group presidency, Bátory, Ágnes, and Dr. Puetter Uwe , 01/2011, Budapest, (2011)
The trio presidency in the European Union of the Lisbon Treaty, Bátory, Ágnes, and Puetter Uwe , The case of the Spanish, Belgium and Hungarian group presidency, Number Working paper 01/2011, Budapest, p.14, (2011)
Thomas O. Melia: Democracy is fragile; building it back better in America depends on civil society, Melia, Thomas O. , (2021)
Thibault Muzergues: Social Media, Political Attitudes, Tribes in Global and Central European Perspectives, Muzergues, Thibault , (2020)
Thibault Muzergues - European Strategic Autonomy: a Necessary Debate to strengthen the Transatlantic Alliance, Muzergues, Thibault , (2020)
Is there any need for the Visegrad Group?, Izsák, Dániel , Budapest Business Journal, (2011)
Is there a New Impetus or a Political Paralysis regarding the protection of the EU’s Fundamental Values?, Hegedűs, Dániel , 08/2015, (2015)
Theatrics of Xenophobia: Hungary and the 2015 Migration Crisis, Szalai, András , (2016)
Testimony on North Korea to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Palmer, Mark , (2003)
Terrorism and Human Rights, Russell-Johnston, Lord , Assembly of the Council of Europe, (2001)
The territorial dimension of anti-EU-voting in East-Central European countries, Dieringer, Jürgen , European Elections 2019 - Renewing the Political Agenda for a United Europe, (2019)
Symposium der Stiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur zur Verbesserung der Unterstützung der Opfer der SED-Diktatur, Meckel, Markus , Symposium of the Foundation for the Reconciliation of the SED Dictatorship to improve assistance to victims of the SED Dictatorship vol X., 05/2006, Berlin, (2006)
Sonderweg of the Eastern member states of the EU, Zgut, Edit , European Elections 2019 - Renewing the Political Agenda for a United Europe, (2019)
The Slovak Reaction - (Presentation Slides), Weisenbacher, Peter , (2016)
A schoolbook case of eliminating dissent by an illiberal regime: rule of law backsliding and attacks against academic freedom, Bárd, Petra , European Elections 2019 - Renewing the Political Agenda for a United Europe, (2019)
The Rule of Law and Terrorism, Bárd, Petra, and Bárd Petra , Budapest, p.300, (2015)
Roland Freudenstein - Security Challenges in the 21st Century: The role of big power politics in Central Europe, Freudenstein, Roland , (2021)
Roger Casale: America is back but democracy is fragile, Casale, Roger , (2021)
Responses of the Visegrad 4 Countries to the Current European Migrant Crisis First lessons of an expert survey, Kocsis, Györgyi, and Nagy Kata , (2016)
Responses of the Visegrad 4 Countries to the Current European Migrant Crisis, Kocsis, Györgyi, and Nagy Kata , The Refugee Crisis and the Reaction of the Visegrad Countries, 05/2016, Budapest, (2016)
Responses of the Visegrad 4 Countries to the Current European Migrant Crisis First lessons of an expert survey, Kocsis, Györgyi, and Nagy Kata , 05/16, Budapest, (2016)
The Response of the Visegrad Countries to the Refugee Crisis, Hegedűs, István, Kocsis Györgyi, Nagy Kata, Schweitzer András, Stahl Zsófia, Strausz Erzsébet, Uszkiewicz Erik, Végh Zsuzsanna, Vidák Zsófia, Krempaska Alena, et al. , Visegrad Countries to the Refugee Crisis, Budapest, p.64, (2016)
The Renewal of Liberal Democracy: Strategy, Vision, Competition, Parties, Civil Society, Uszkiewicz, Erik , (2023)
The Renewal of Liberal Democracy: Strategy, Vision, Competition, Parties, Civil Society, Hegedűs, István , The Renewal of Liberal Democracy: Strategy, Vision, Competition, Parties, Civil Society, (2023)
Regional Stability and State Building within the EU Frame in South East Europe, Huszka, Beáta , Liberals for the Balkans - South-East European Network (LiBSEEN) , 02/2007, Ljubljana, (0)
The Refugee Crisis and the Reactions of the Visegrad Countries, Hegedűs, István, Kocsis Györgyi, Nagy Kata, Schweitzer András, Stahl Zsófia, Strausz Erzsébet, Uszkiewicz Erik, Végh Zsuzsanna, Vidák Zsófia, Krempaska Alena, et al. , 09/2016, Budapest, (2016)
Rafal Fabianowicz: The European Green Deal in Central and Eastern Europe – Lessons from the past, Fabianowicz, Rafal , (2021)
Querying the Migration-Populism Nexus: Poland and Greece in Focus, Visvizi, Anna , V4 EUROPE – “PIECES OF POPULISM IN EUROPE AND HOW TO OVERCOME THE CHALLENGE”, 06/2017, Budapest, (2017)
PUBLIC OPINION – A STUMBLING BLOCK TO ENLARGEMENT? An analysis of the relation between costs and benefits of eastern enlargement and their perception in current EU member-states, Husz, Dóra , 04/2003, Budapest, (2003)
Public Finance Reform in Hungary: Light at the End of the Tunnel?, Jankovics, László , Country Focus, Volume 5, Issue 4, (2008)
Prospects for governance reform in the euro area: Open during renovation?, Jankovics, László , European Elections 2019 - Renewing the Political Agenda for a United Europe, (2019)
A pro-European vision for the European Union – the perspective of the Visegrad countries:  Summary discussion paper of the V4Europe Project, Hegedűs, István, Radnóti András, Szelényi Zsuzsanna, Végh Zsuzsanna, Uszkiewicz Erik, and Bruszt László , (2018)
Populist political communication, Uszkiewicz, Erik , European Elections 2019 - Renewing the Political Agenda for a United Europe, (2019)
On Populism, Kucharczyk, Dr Jacek , V4 EUROPE – “PIECES OF POPULISM IN EUROPE AND HOW TO OVERCOME THE CHALLENGE”, 08/2017, Budapest, (2017)
Political Clientelism in Hungarian Journalism - The Burden of Post-Communism or a Long-lasting Model of Polarized Bi-partisanship?, Hegedűs, István , (2006)
Polish Foreign Policy - Confronting Reality, Smolar, Aleksander , Newsletter of the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Volume 92., (2006)
Poland towards the Refugee Crisis, Kużelewska, Elżbieta , (2016)
Parallel Realities: Political Crisis in a Legal Framework, Nagy, Boldizsár , The Refugee Crisis and the Reaction of the Visegrad Countries, 05/2016, Budapest, (2016)
Hungary is not a colony, Hegedűs, István , Visegrád Revue, Visegrád, (2012)
Hungary in the Schengen system - Bastion or Gateway?, Molnár, Tamás, Illés Sándor, and Melegh Attila , 06/2009, Budapest, (2009)
Hungary and the European Union: Ante Portas?, Hegedűs, István , (2002)
Hungarian Fortress, Hegedűs, István , El pais, Volume 2011, (2011)
Hungarian Exceptionalism or the Orbanisation of Europe?, Hegedűs, István , European Elections 2019 - Renewing the Political Agenda for a United Europe, (2019)
The Hungarian elections: What is the current situation and what can we expect?, Hegedűs, István , (2022)
How to Understand United Europe. Basic Information: History, Values, Experience, , Paris, (2017)
Hol áll a PERC-mutató avagy az EU-destruktívaktól a föderalistákig: a magyar pártok viszonya az Európai Unióhoz, Bársony, Fanni, Gothár Emma, Hegedűs István, Kocsis Györgyi, Nagy Kata, Németh Zsuzsanna, Pál Mónika, Schweitzer András, Tófalvi Zselyke, Uszkiewicz Erik, et al. , Budapest, (2018)
Henriett Dinók: Antigypsyism in mainstream politics - the Hungarian government’s narrative on Roma, Dinók, Henriett , (2021)
Határhelyzet és átmenet, Hankiss, Elemér , Élet és Irodalom, 02/2007, (2007)
Hanna Shelest: Foreign Policy Council "Ukrainian Prism", Shelest, Hanna , (2021)
Hajnalka Vincze: Transatlantic Relations: The Biden Opportunity and Its Limits, Vincze, Hajnalka , (2020)
Hajnalka Vincze: The Risks of Europelessness, Vincze, Hajnalka , (2020)
‘Goulash capitalism’ keeps Hungarian workers at home, Hegedűs, István , EURACTIV, 09/2006, (2006)
Gorbachev's go-ahead, Schweitzer, András, and Kramer Mark , Hungarian Quarterly, 12/2009, (2009)
Gloomy Celebrations, Hegedűs, István , (2009)
Gergely Romsics - The Legacy of 1956, 1989 and 2004 from the Perspective of 2021 in Hungary, Romsics, Gergely , The Legacy of 1956, 1989 and 2004 from the Perspective of 2021 in Hungary, (2021)
