Title | An early balance of emergency measures |
Publication Type | Online cikk / Web Article |
Év / Year | 2020 |
Authors | Végh, Zsuzsanna |
Kiadó / Publisher | European Platform for Democratic Elections |
Abstract | On 23 April 2020, the European Platform for Democratic Elections published HES chairwoman Zsuzsanna Végh’s analysis on the domestic developments of the first weeks following the adoption of the so-called empowerment law in Hungary. The article is available here. |
URL | https://www.epde.org/en/news/details/an-early-balance-of-emergency-measures-in-hungary.html |
Full Text | On 23 April 2020, the European Platform for Democratic Elections published HES chairwoman Zsuzsanna Végh’s analysis on the domestic developments of the first weeks following the adoption of the so-called empowerment law in Hungary. The article is available here. |